Saturday, July 27, 2013

Telephone Table Update

Hi again,

Here's an update on the telephone table I mentioned a couple weeks ago, Telephone Table Upcycle.

So the other day I began the upcycling process which begins of course with disassembling! I love this first step where you get rid of all the old worn down fabric and finish and begin to see the real potential!

So with my telephone table I first unscrewed the seat, then removed the two shelfs. After the seat was off a got a glimpse at what this table looked like in a past life. Check out the cool bright baby blue paint:

Maybe this color will make a reappearance??

After the seat was removed, I decided to remove the old fabric and batting (if these are in good condition I like just upholster over, to save time and materials, but in this case the fabric was kind of smelly so it had to go!). After a good struggle removing upholstery tacks with a screwdriver I managed to remove all the old fabric and got another surprise! Check out what was used for the base of the seat:

It's a piece of old laminate countertop! 

Close-up of the glittery countertop

It's kind of hard to tell in the picture, but the top of the board that was used to make the seat is covered in old gold glittery laminate! So it looks like someone already beat me to the punch and this table has been repurposed before, using a piece of countertop for the seat! Kind of cool to see how this table has evolved through the years! And what's the next step in its evolution? Well, I have some ideas but I'm not revealing anything yet, you'll just have to wait and see :)


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